Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Travel and explore life

6) Travel and explore life.

and this one my favourite one. Travelling. Well travelling helps you to see how other people in the world live and it can help you to appreciate what you have and what sets you apart.  Plus on any trip you will come across challenges such as communicating, or getting direction from different people. Travelling alone can force you to learn things about yourself that you never knew existed. So friends before you try or take in advise or any other things or how to be your self well go ahead, plan a trip and start travelling.

So this were few steps that will help you, knowing and definitely understanding  yourself better. Hope it may help you'll. All the best!! and enjoy your life!!!!

Fail faster to find success

5) Fail faster to find success.

So friends here is the next thing that takes you to be yourself. You need to accept failures. We all make mistakes but the trick is to learn from your mistake to achieve success. So fail faster to find success. It may take time for you to give your best or to achieve the best. As long as you stick with your failures and start appreciating them or learn from your suffering, you will find the core of you is still very strong, and this is how it will help you to be the real you. 

Monday, 5 March 2018

Laugh at your mistakes

4) Learn to laugh at yourself

Relax!!!!! stop worrying about it. The things that could happen well specially in social situations. But you need to stop worrying. So what if you fall flat on your face or get spinach stuck in your teeth.  Well try to learn and laugh at yourself. Because what happens later? It just turns out to be a funny story that you can share with your friends. So let them know that you are not perfect which will make you feel a little more confident. It’s quite an attractive quality I must say. Because when you make people laugh trust me they will start loving you. And this is when I always say that this are the things that help you to be yourself. So stop worrying and start relaxing. 

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Follow your own style

3) Standout- Follow your own style

So let’s have a look at the third step to follow. Well you need to follow your own style. The common thing a lot of people do is copy others action. Because it seems like the better way to fit in. But really? Shouldn’t you just stand out? Standing out is very hard. But you need to try avoid assuming other peoples perspectives of you. Even if it is not something you do, that’s what being yourself is all about. Whatever you are, accept it. Being different is absolutely beautiful and it attracts people to you. Don’t let people change you. Allow yourself the space to grow and off course to improve and become a vision. And that will help you to turn out to be positive and certainly you will stop comparing and will start liking yourself. So stop copying others. 

Saturday, 3 March 2018

How to simply be yourself

Personality development essentially means enhancing and improving ones outer and inner self to bring about a positive change in your life.  Everyone wants to be attractive to others. To that end, having good personality is more important than having good looks. In fact, approximately 85% of your success and happiness will be a result of how well you interact with others. Contrary to what you may think, you can improve  your personality. There are so many various steps for improving yourself but the most basic and important step is to “BE YOURSELF”.

How to be simply yourself?

Now there are people who end up asking how do I be a little more confident? Well the best answer is ‘Be yourself’.  Be yourself is quite possibly the most commonly used phrase as an advice. Be yourself such a big one right! How does it really mean to be yourself and is it really as easy as it sounds. Well yes, it is. In this session I’m going to share some tips in order to be yourself. So what are they let’s have a look

1.Find time to discover yourself

The first thing that you need to do is discover yourself. Now you can’t be yourself if you don’t know or can’t understand and accept yourself. It should be your primary goal to find this out. So it’s time to discover yourself. Find the time to learn upon what you value and take time to consider what makes up the essence of who you are. As a part of this, your life and your choices are the most important thing that you need to understand. Try to think about what kind of things you want or you would like to do and act accordingly and how do you find that out? Well you can start taking personality tests. Go online or even in the newspaper there are so many different types of personality tests such as how lovable you are, how positive you are or something like how challenging you are. Well this will help you to discover yourself or help you to understand yourself in a better manner.

Step 2: Be kind to yourself

2) Be kind to yourself and focus on your strengths

So what’s the next thing that you need to do? Be kind to yourself. Never stop looking at your own strengths. Over time your strengths may change and thus you may change the definition of being yourself. But you cannot stop focusing on them. Your strength helps you to balance out your flaws. Another right reason for not comparing yourself to others, because comparison leads to negativity. A person filled with negativity cannot focus on the thought of being yourself, because they are too busy anchoring after someone else. Comparison also leads to criticism of others due to which you lose friends and respect and its also a way of never being yourself. So its time for you to be kind to yourself and off course to appreciate yourself. So what are you waiting for. Start being nice, start focusing on your strength and appreciating yourself.